My dream house

The best house in my world

My dream house

The best house in my world

My dream house

my dream house is in the sky on the clouds
it is white and a little pink
it moves from one place to other place
also there is always the smell of rain in my house

طبقه بندی موضوعی
پیوندهای روزانه

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «village» ثبت شده است

I think dream place for living is a big place. It is clean, green with blue sky and full of clean water.

There is not air pollution, busy or noise.

People live calmly there without fear of war, hungry or any evil.

There are treatment and education facilities for all people. Also all people have their favorite job. No one is jobless. They are kind and merciful with together.

Actually I would like the all over the world to be this way, not only my city or my village.  

It is my wish.


  • lesane sedq